Haylage Sussex
Ideal size for equestrian use, made made from our own clean, weed free fields.

About Us
Ivan Vincent started the business and his son Richard has been working with him for several years now.
We are a family run business that has been producing hay for 25 years and haylage for last 10 years. We provide both meadow and rye grass horse hay/haylage all grown on our own land and surrounding fields in Chiddingly, East Sussex. As this is the only use for these fields we can easily control the quality which is mostly free from docs, thistles and other weeds giving us a top quality product.
As we own all of our own equipment we do not have to rely on anyone else, therefore when the grass is ready we can bale and wrap at exactly the right time.
Haylage & Hay Available
Available for:
Collection or Delivery by arrangement
1.8m x 70 x 50 – 4 string bales
1.2m x 70 x 50 – 4 string bales